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Moroccan Spiced Vegetables


green beans cauliflower courgette

carrots (peeled and core removed)

mixed peppers chick peas olive oil

finely chopped onion

½ finely chopped tomato

2 chopped garlic cloves salt, black pepper and cum- in (depending on quantity of vegetables).

1 large mug of chickpeas soaked overnight and cooked until soft. (or one can of prepared, well rinsed.)


Cook vegetables separately.

Slice carrots and courgette crosswise, green beans in one inch lengths. Break caulflower into florets. Sweat for a couple of minutes with onion and spice mix. Add a small amount of water and cook until slightly soft.

Add the chopped tomato, onion, garlic and olive oil to a pan and cook until almost soft. Add the chickpeas and mix well. Heat and then set aside for a few minutes before serving.

To create a delicious veg- etarian dish, cut red and yellow peppers, onion and courgette into small slices and place in alternate co- lours on metal skeweres. Grill over charcoal and serve with spiced vegetables.

Moroccan Spiced Vegetables Moroccan Spiced Vegetables Reviewed by A.B on September 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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